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Rose Bush

Prophetic Pearls 
(Arabic Immersion Program) 


Nurturing Love


Imaginative Play


Thematic Games


Inspirational Learning





“Learn Arabic for it strengthens the mind and enhances chivalry”

Sayyidina Umar ibn al Khattab  


As parents, it's a dream for our precious children to love and learn Arabic; the profound language chosen for the Quran itself, for the speech of our Beloved Prophet ï·º and the language which will be spoken in Jannah! The optimal time to pick up a new language most naturally and effortlessly is in these crucial early childhood years through an immersion environment.


Children naturally love being on the farm and through this door, we strive to nurture their love for the language under the guidance of our warm, creative and loving teachers. 


Join us in a fully Arabic immersion environment where second language acquisition becomes an effortless and joyful journey as we make beautiful childhood memories on the farm! Thematic vocabulary will be developed through games, puppet shows, stories, songs, thematic activities, tending the garden and caring for the farm animals inshaAllah.


Ages: 3 - 6 yrs 


Days/Time: Mon & Wed  | 3:30 - 4:30 PM


Cost: $185/month (4-week session)


Full Year Program:

  • Semester 1: Aug 26th - Dec 18th

  • WinterBreak: Dec 19th - Jan 19th

  • Semester 2: Jan 21st - June 12th


Teacher: fluently speaks Fusha Arabic with 7 years of experience creatively teaching through immersion.  She is certified in the An-Nus curriculum and has studied various curriculums including Al HudHud.  Currently working under the guidance of several scholars in the East including Medina Institute in Istanbul and Shaykh Ali Hani's Dhikra Institute.  


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